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We understand your need to return to work, recreational activities and/or daily activities unrestricted and without pain. We will provide you with the highest level of rehabilitation care possible with our primary goal being to return you to your lifestyle as quickly and safely as possible. We at Cochrane Physiotherapy we strive to achieve this in a way that fits into your busy schedule.


Wes Feagan
Clinic Owner/Director, BSc.PT, GunnIMS, Level 3 Manual Therapist

Wes Feagan is a graduate of the University of Alberta Rehabilitation Medicine Physiotherapy program. He began his career in Chilliwack prior to moving to Cochrane in 2002. Wes draws from a wide range of physiotherapy techniques such as manual therapy, Graston Technique, Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) and specific exercise prescription. Wes has a special interest in developing interesting and innovative exercise programs for sport rehab, chronic injuries and core stability.

Wes's treatment philosophy is that every injury happens for a reason so he searches for the root problem, rather than only treating symptoms. Then, together with the patient, uses a range of treatment techniques and specific exercises to restore their body to its optimal health. Wes is an avid and passionate skier and mountain biker who relaxes by fly fishing and spending time with his daughter.

Jackie Davies 

Jackie  Davies qualified as a Physiotherapist at a London (UK) hospital in 1989 and  worked for the National Health Service for 4 years, before joining the British  Army as a Physiotherapy Officer. On leaving the Army, she continued to work for  the military, private hospitals and clinics until immigrating to Alberta in  2010. 

She also  graduated from Cardiff University in 2007 with an MSc in Sports Physiotherapy  and was team Physiotherapist for the GB Rifle Team for 12 years. She has further education and  qualification in manual therapy, acupuncture and Gunn IMS techniques and is Graston Technique® trained. Jackie likes to seek the underlying cause of injuries and  put together active rehabilitation plans for recovery that include all aspects  of physiotherapy from her (especially manual techniques and exercise) and  participation from the client. In her spare time, she enjoys a variety ofactivities including skiing, hiking, sports shooting and Tai Chi. 

Krista Taylor

MScPT, BScKin, CGIMS, CAFCI, Level 3 Manual Therapist 

Krista completed a Master of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Alberta in 2012. Prior to that, she obtained her Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Calgary in 2010.  She has been living and working in Cochrane since the spring of 2014. 

Krista’s post-graduate training consists of manual therapy level 3 within the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, acupuncture through the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute, and Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (GIMS) training.  She is also certified as an RP2 physical therapist in concussion assessment and rehabilitation and has completed additional training in the prevention of running injuries.  She is also authorized to perform spinal manipulations through her manual therapy training. 

Krista enjoys working with all types of individuals, especially youth and athletes.  Her treatment philosophy is geared towards prevention of future injuries through patient education and simple lifestyle changes.  Currently, Krista’s favorite activity is chasing around her three young children. When she is able to, Krista also enjoys running and fitness classes. ​

Recently, Krista completed her training in vestibular assessment and treatment which is a great addition to her practice. She is also now certified to complete Graston technique therapy to aide in soft tissue immobilization. 

Janelle Reimer

Janelle graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Kinesiology in 2007 and then continued on to the University of Alberta where she graduated with a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy in 2010. 

Janelle has completed level 2 in Manual Therapy and is currently working on completing Level 3.  She is also certified in acupuncture and has completed courses in craniosacral therapy, movement analysis, post-concussion syndrome and vestibular therapy.  Janelle believes in individualized and preventative care based on manual therapy, exercise prescription, movement analysis and correction, dry needling and education. 

In her free time, Janelle enjoys yoga, hiking,volleyball, baseball and spending time with her son.

Kimberley McKim

Clinic Owner/Director BKin, MScPT, CAFCI, Gunn IMS, Certified Running Specialist

Kimberley graduated from the University of Alberta in 2015 with a Masters in Physical Therapy, and prior to that in 2012 with a Bachelors in Kinesiology. 

Since graduating, Kimberley has been working in private practice treating a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions, sport-related conditions, and working closely with surgeons to ensure optimal rehabilitation. She has also worked abroad as a Physiotherapist in Australia at a Sport clinic treating high-level Rugby athletes. To further her knowledge and skills as a physiotherapist, Kimberley has completed training in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy, Gunn IMS, Acupuncture, and has specialized training in assessing and treating runners. 

In her spare time, Kimberley enjoys running, hiking, skiing, and spending time with her husband and three kids.

Tracy Dupre

MScPT, BKin, CMT, FDN, Level 3 manual therapist

Tracy completed a Master of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Alberta in 2012. Prior to that she completed a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Calgary in 2010. 

Tracy’s post-graduate training includes her Level 3 manual therapy training through the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. She is authorized to perform spinal manipulation, functional dry needling, a form of intramuscular stimulation (IMS) and more recently, completed her Graston Technique course.   Over the years she has worked in private practice and sports injury clinics, and has lived in Cochrane since 2018. 

Tracy takes a hands-on approach with her clients and believes in a tailored treatment program specific to each person. In her spare time Tracy loves to spend time outdoors with her husband and three kids, is a recreational runner, golfs and frequents a variety of fitness classes.

Massage Therapists

Larissa McLeod
Massage Therapist

Larissa McLeod used to work with kids as a jr. gymnastics coach before becoming a massage therapist. She is a graduate from Vicars school of massage therapy. Throughout her training she's learned not only to treat symptoms but to also find the underlying causes through her assessment. She is committed to providing personalized care to each client and is well trained in Swedish, non-Swedish and fascial techniques. She looks forward to learning more techniques in the future. 

In her free time she enjoys a variety of things including reading, playing video games, painting, baking and going on hikes.

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