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What is a Concussion?

A concussion is defined as a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain. It is induced by shear stress to the brain tissue caused by rotational or angular forces*

A concussion may be caused by a direct blow to the head, face, neck or elsewhere on the body, but a direct impact to the head is not always required to sustain a concussion;impulsive forces transmitted to the brain may be sufficient to result in injury to the brain.*

What is Baseline Testing? 

A one hour comprehensive assessment including:  neuropsychological test measuring memory, speed of mental processing, reaction time and executive brain function.

Our goal is to return you to sport, school, and your daily activities in a safe and timely manner.

As well as a hands on assessment of:

• Detailed medical history

• Cervical screen

• Vesibulo-Ocular motor function

• Ocular Motor Control

• Balance

Why Do it? 

Baseline testing is an important first step in concussion management as it provides each individual with personalized baseline scores that can be used as a comparison in the event of a concussion. Having a baseline for each athlete would allow the athlete, parents and coaches to make more appropriate return to play decisions.

What is Concussion Rehabilitation?

  • A systematic, evidence-based approach to establishing treatment goals and priorities based on an individuals’ symptoms and level of dysfunction (as compared to their baseline scores and as measured through the post-concussion assessment).
  • 1.5 hour comprehensive assessment including a hands on assessment of the cervical region, vestibular function, visual impairments, ocular motor control, autonomic dysfunctions, and balance.

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